Post by Your NamePost by t***@gmail.com
ovie-tha t-matters/
Posted by kevthewriter
I don¹t know about you but where I live Frozen, almost 3 years after
it came out, is still inescapable. If you go into any store, you¹re
bound to run into some Frozen merchandise. Not only that but there
always seem to be families (and sometimes childless adults) that seem
to have some sort of Frozen thing with them (like a backpack or
A little like "Harry Potter" and "Twilight", "Frozen" was something
that although aimed mainly at little girls, it has also captured the
imaginations of variously aged females.
I think its popularity is due partly to the "misunderstood heroine"
aspect but mostly to the singability of its songs (to the despair of
many parents!) I'm no big fan of musicals so all the songs rather turned
me off, but I did like the Scandinavian ambience which gave the film a
sort of resonance that helped paper over the cracks of the rather clunky
plot. I also liked the plot twist where the "act of true love" turned
out to be sisterly love and not the expected "humble woodcutter"
character, it was the one plot element that wasn't signposted in neon
The film seems to have given rise to a huge amount of speculative
analysis, for instance websites enthusing over Elsa's perceived
left-handedness v. Anna's right handedness, and suggestions that Elsa is
the long lost sister of Rapunzel (who has a cameo appearance for about 1
second and is also said to be left-handed).
However it seems to me that as with most animations, Disney did not
think about the handedness of the characters: both Elsa and Anna are
seen doing things left or right handed at various moments, pretty much
randomly. I think the urban myth arose because people just assumed that
since real people have definite handedness, cartoon characters will have
too, but in fact that is pretty rare, the only recent cartoon I've seen
where the characters have definite handedness is Super 4 where Twinkle
is consistently shown to be left-handed (except in several borked
publicity shots!) whilst Alex, Ruby, and Gene are always right handed.
(But even in Super 4, all the other characters have no consistent
Similarly I feel sure that the appearance of Rapunxel was just a little
in-joke by Disney animators, I am deeply sceptical about the notion that
a one second cameo is intended to hint that Elsa's parents' fatal voyage
was to visit Rapunzel and that Frozen 2 will be about the shock
revelation that Anna and Elsa are not biological sisters at all and that
Elsa and Rapunzel were twins separated at birth!!
Still all this fan speculation does underline the surprising way people
have taken Frozen to heart, normally you would only expect that depth of
analysis for deeper and more epic stories like Harry Potter etc.
"Gauls! We have nothing to fear, except perhaps that
the sky may fall on our heads tomorrow." -- Asterix.